Hello! My name is
Brandon Chen.
Aspiring software engineer.



Hello! My name is Brandon and there are many things I want to learn, experience, and create. I like origami, arts, animals, puzzles, and of course, coding. My interest in software engineering started when I was playing around with NetLogo. Watching the turtles create patterns and simulations on my screen was intriguing. From there, I wanted to see what more could be done with code and pursed this interest. I solve algorithms much like puzzles and found meaning in the applications I create. Today, I want to take another step in my career.


Some projects big and small that I worked on over the years.

Hobby Blog
(Functional but still Working On)
ExpressJS, React, Bootstrap, MongoDB/Mongoose, and AWS
OpenAI Generated Story Book Sharer
Python Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, OpenAI API, Docker, DigitalOcean, and PyTest
Covid-19 Statistics Website
Python Flask, HTML, and JavaScript
Pokemon Battling Game Website
Python Flask, HTML, JavaScript, PostgreSql, and RESTful API
Customer Relationship Manager
Spring Framework, Maven, and MySql
8 Ball Pool Game
OpenProcessing and Java
Knight's Tour and N-Queens Algorithms
My Terminal
Task Tracker App
React Native